Active stable

Where horses feel good

animal-friendly stall concepts

Bless you

Enough space for all animals - so that they have the opportunity to evade the ranks even in particularly stressed areas such as covered lying areas, in the feeding area and at the water point. This also includes wide entrances and alleys and the possibility of evasive maneuvers again and again. There should also be corners with obtuse angles everywhere. This reduces the risk of injury and reduces stress in the herd. Good feeding management with interval feeding is mandatory. So the vet will only have to come to the vaccination.


Stabilityt in the herd is important. The herd members should be changed as little as possible. It takes more than half a year for a horse to get used to it and to find its place in the herd. Even if the level of rank is not a constant - trust in the environment, the other animals and people and in the limitation of the exercise area also play a role for the horses. With a good concept, it's important to be clear about new applicants. So that the people who stay in this place also fit together and feel comfortable with each other. The finances must also allow the horse to be kept in such a stable. Because a good stable costs a lot more to maintain and needs to be financed. Everything must be done to prevent fluctuation.


A good barn offers the animals 24-hour movement incentives. Different walkways, surfaces, nibble wood, rolling surfaces, push brushes, soft lying surfaces, hollows for the mud or dust bath. Different hay and straw bins in different places. Toys are not necessary. The incentives to run, regular feeding, an exercise area with long paths are sufficient - but not so long that old and sick horses are forced to walk long distances. With the help of islands, the run is structured and made more interesting. This is also visually beautiful for people. Lots of green is calming and gives a feeling of naturalness.

Do you need a manufacturer-independent open stable concept?

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